Autism And Aspergers -Diagnostic Assessment For Adults & Children & Pre-Schoolers (ASD/ASC)
After meeting you for an initial assessment consultation we are able to provide clinical advice and support or a full diagnosis to Adults, Children and Pre-schoolers.
What do we explore during our ASD diagnostic assessments?
Our Multi-Disciplinary Diagnostic Assessment would include the following stages following an initial consultation.
After the initial consultation our clinicians' may recommend a full diagnostic assessment which would include the following assessments as required:
(A) = Adult Assessment
(C) = Child Assessment
(P) = Pre school child
Following diagnosis our team will also be able to offer the following post-diagnostic support:
Adults; One to one support sessions, therapy around specific issues, community engagement and help with social engagement. Anxiety and panic strategies, coping strategies, support with employment, support with college or university, training other professionals on your diagnosis*
Children and families; family support sessions, one to one child support sessions, Educating teachers and schools about the diagnosis, social integration, help with frustrations and behaviour, support with environmental sensory concerns, help with outbursts and melt downs, communication strategies. *
All of our diagnostic assessments are provided in line with NICE guidelines. These professional guidelines recommend that any diagnosis is differential and formed through a robust MDT formulation.
For more information or to make a referral please see our contact page.